Thursday, March 24, 2011


My first days in the hospital were painful, but relatively easy.  All I had to do was stay comfortable from my bed to a chair and occasionally walk the halls to get the operative gas to move around a bit.  They put some variable pressure boots on me my first night in bed which left me with very sore calves and this made getting around a little more difficult. 

I came home yesterday evening and my ever optimistic mother thought that I'd be up and around in no time.  My Victoria made me a wide assortment of Crystal Light flavors and a home made chicken broth to keep me hydrated.  A blend of protein powder and high protein, no fat, low sugar milk provided me with protein.  Chewable vitamins and calcium made up for any other missing essentials. 

The fullness is ever present.  I have no hunger at all, but I know I must keep drinking to stay hydrated and healthy.  I'm quite puffy, but in good spirits.  The compression wrap helps a bit with the pain and the liquid Vicodin is a god send.  I have no regrets, but anyone who thinks this is an "easy" way to lose weight really has no idea of what this process involves.

I am hoping that as the soreness subsides I'll be able to get around a bit more.  I know exercise is the key to a healthy recovery.

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